Clevedon Sunday Market 4th and 5th July, #artistsupportpledge and online shop

Although restrictions are easing, I still find that I’m unable to produce as much work as I was (looking after my daughter full time) and still find that the places I used to sell it are unavailable to me (markets can’t currently open safely and all art fairs and trails have been cancelled) so I’m looking to other avenues to sell my art.  Clevedon Sunday Market is happened on Facebook again this weekend.  Just joint the FB group July Clevedon Sunday Market- Saturday is reserved for introductions and info and then trading starts on Sunday at 10am, with sales continuing through the week if necessary.

Lots of traders are offering discounts for the weekend, as am I- new pieces at exclusive prices as well as a discount code for my shop- just for the weekend.

Speaking of my shop, I now have most of my current pieces on there as well as my cyanotypes, so please feel free to browse.

In addition, I regularly post pieces on the instagram hashtag #artistsupportpledge where you can buy direct from artists at reasonable prices, the artist then pledges to buy £200 of art when they have reached £100 of sales, creating a sustainable system.  I’ve been posting new and older, ‘remastered’ pieces. So if you ‘do’ instagram, feel free to follow me at RuthAnderPrints or follow the #artistsupportpledge