Amazingly, with only a month and a half to go, the new organisers of Totterdown Arts Trail have decided to pull it all together, in an almighty effort, for the 20th and 21st November (no doubt there will be a haphazard element to the weekend, which is no new or bad thing).
This arts trail has an atmosphere all it’s own. Possibly the smallest and definitely the longest running arts trail in Bristol, the trail and Totterdown itself, have resisted gentrification, and remains eclectic and unpolished (though you’ll always find a treasure somewhere if you look hard enough).
As a ‘friend’ of 105 Oxford Street, having exhibited there for several years, alongside Jean Hathaway and Andrew Hardwick, I will be part of the ‘105 Oxford Street Retrospective’ in the Marquee at Higham Green. Watch this space for other contributing artists as they’re confirmed. Who knows what the weekend will bring, but you can be sure it will be friendly, interesting and involve red oak leaves (a 105 staple!).
Loads of info, map and participating artists here.