Diving deeper into making intentional hand printed landscapes, this course covers materials, setting up, basic techniques, plus colour mixing, planning your prints using photos and sketches, composition, layering of different elements and guides you though making a hand printed landscape step by step. It also covers presenting your work and what to do with all the prints you’ve made along the way!
In this course we will be exploring printing by hand– ie without a printing press, with a particular focus on landscape. This creates monoprints- one-off painterly prints with stunning texture and marks. This way of printing is accessible to all and needs very little specialist equipment or space.
Suitable for beginners or for those who have either taken my ‘Playful Printing at Home’ course or have some art experience already. You DON’T need to know ‘how to draw or paint’ though- hand printing is accessible to all- in fact it might be your doorway into making art without the pressure for perfection.
If you already make art, students often find that printing by hand on paper loosens up their practice and process and allows for more creative flow and serendipity. At the end of the course there are plenty of ideas for you to integrate printmaking into your existing art practice.
This self paced video course with lifetime access costs £95.
During this course you will:
Produce a series of your own unique hand-printed landscapes
Discover new mark making techniques
Know which paper, inks, paints and tools you’ll need for your home printmaking studio
Learn tips and tricks to plan your landscape print
Use your own photos and sketches to make artworks
Feel confident in composing your images
Make stunning collages
Learn how to crop and mount your artwork
Have you ever wanted to make landscapes that really express what you feel about a place? Do you want to make intuitive, flowing, spontaneous, no-rules art?
Then this course is for you!

What’s included in the course?
Approximately 2 hours of video tutorials between 2 and 12 minutes long.
A materials and stockists list.
Lifetime access
I’ll be guiding you through:
All you Need to Hand Print
The Best Inks, Paints and Papers to Print With
Composition, print planning and colour mixing
All the hand printing techniques that you’ll need
Working through a landscape monoprint from start to finish
Collage making and finishing prints
Cropping and mounting prints for display

Who is this course for?
Beginners or those with some printmaking or artistic experience. You don’t need to known how to draw or paint to do this course. If you’ve ever wanted to try printmaking but been put off by having to join a print studio then this course is for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I access the videos?
You’ll be sent links via email. The videos are hosted on Vimeo which has no adverts. Keep your links safe- perhaps in a separate email folder.
How long should I take to complete the course?
The course is self-paced so you can take as long as you like. Everyone works at their one pace.
You might like to take one weekend, 4-5 evenings or 3-4 afternoons or mornings.
You can watch them all in one go or take your time to print in between each video.
Do I need speedy internet?
Yes, you will need a high speed internet connection to be able to view the videos.
Can I have a refund if I want one?
I will not provide refunds. I encourage you to ask me any questions you have here before you enroll.
Who is your tutor?
I’m an artist educated to degree level in illustration and with 20 years of DIY home hand-printing experience as well as extensive print studio experience (I’m a member of Spike Print Studio in Bristol and was a recipient of the University of the West of England scholarship in 2018). I have led workshops with children and adults, those with extensive experience and those with none.

What do people say about my teaching?
‘I’m having a blooming lovely time working through all your videos. Made piles of prints. Totally hooked. Most creative thing I’ve done in ages.’
‘All very clear and opened up possibilities for development’
‘Excellent materials list and guidance’
‘I liked your relaxed manner and the pace’
‘Plenty of ideas to take forward’
‘Calm, friendly and positive’
‘Clearly laid out and explained’
‘The camera views were good to watch alongside the instruction’
What do I need to take part?
You won’t need much specialist equipment, but a rubber roller, a smooth surface to roll ink or paint onto, thin paper and ink or paint are the essentials.